Natural preserve Beverin – Where the ibex is at home

The federal hunting ban area in the Beverin natural preserve is home to the settlement of the Safien-Rheinwald ibex. The approximately 350 animals find an ideal habitat here on the steep rocky and grass-covered slopes. After the ibex was completely exterminated in Switzerland in the 16th century, it was only reintroduced into its natural habitat at the beginning of the 20th century. In the natural preserve, Beverin this goal was accomplished in 1954. You can learn more about this topic and other interesting facts about the «King of the Alps» in the Capricorn exhibition in Wergenstein.

A mutual and sustainable lifestyle

The Beverin natural preserve consists of four alpine valleys and two historic-cultural and linguistic different inhabited areas. Together with the nine park communities, the natural preserve strives for sustainable economic and social development, boosts the local economy and promotes nature and culture-oriented tourism. The conservation and gentrification of the rich biodiversity, stunning landscapes and valuable cultural assets are also primary duties.

Recommended products by the natural preserve Beverin

The Beverin natural preserve supports and encourages local businesses and agriculture. The «Empfohlen vom Naturpark Beverin» label which means recommended by the Beverin natural preserve is awarded to partner businesses that help to meet the objectives of the Beverin natural preserve recognized by the Federal Office for the Environment. Premium food from agriculture, signature furnishings or carpentry work: Nature Park products are popular souvenirs, support local value chains and secure jobs.



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