Habitat riverside forest



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Grey Alders

Along with willows, gray alder is the dominant type of tree in the typical riverside forest. As its name implies, the bark is tinged in grey. In autumn and winter, they are recognizable by their small, brown cones. Grey alders are fast-growing and have adapted well to the recurring floods.


Willows are often the first to recolonize the bank after a flood. Just a piece of a branch is enough to give rise to a new tree. The thick root system of the willows stabilizes the bank and provides good starting conditions for subsequent species. The purple willow, also known as basket willow because it was used for basketwork.


The horsetails sprout like a dense forest in the sandy ground. You will find the horsetail especially in the water meadow below Valendas station. The first horsetails appeared over 300 million years ago and are therefore very primeval plants. They do not breed by seeds, but by spores and subterranean branches. The roots and branches form a dense network that binds the sandy bank.


Shortly after the thaw the first flowers of the butterbur appear. The blossom pushes itself out of the ground like a globe and stretches out into a long, bushy pedicel with pinkish flowers. Thereafter the large leaves appear that are pilose on the underside and look a lot like pieplant.


The dewberry lives up to its name. The shoots are mostly whitish pruinated and full of soft thorns. End of summer they are in fruit with small, blue berries that are edible. However, they are not as tasty as real blackberries.