Good to know

Well informed, you can explore the Rhine Gorge even better. Would you like to learn more about the Rhine Gorge? The rangers are on tour in the terrain and will be happy to tell you more about the landscape and its inhabitants.



Einen Einblick über das Tun und Wirken von Terraviva vermitteln Ihnen die aktuellen und abgeschlossenen Projekte.

Rhine Gorge Ranger

Making it possible to experience the Rhine Gorge in a way that is consistent with nature and the landscape implies sustainable visitor management. In cooperation with the natural preserve Beverin and the Tectonic Arena Sardona, the Rhine Gorge Association has established a ranger service that guarantees the thorough implementation of visitor management.

Nature Book of Etiquette

The Rhine Gorge was one of the first areas in Switzerland to be included in the «Bundesinventar der Landschaften und Naturdenkmäler von nationaler Bedeutung». In other words, the Rhine Gorge is an important natural landmark on a national level. It is home to endangered habitats for a multitude of rare wildlife species. Therefore, we ask you to help the preservation and protection of this sensitive habitat.



Einen Einblick über das Tun und Wirken von Terraviva vermitteln Ihnen die aktuellen und abgeschlossenen Projekte.

Protected areas for nature

Between Ilanz and Versam, the federal government has indexed two riverside landscapes in the «Federal inventory of national importance». The protected areas are near natural, diverse and special habitats. Find out more about the different national and international protected areas here.

Nature Guided Tours

Join our experts on their tour through the nature. Take the opportunity to learn fascinating facts about the flora and fauna between the Segnesboden and the Rhine Gorge. From April to October, the program, which is rich in diversity, offers exciting excursions led by competent professionals.

The Rhine Gorge in winter

During wintertime, the Rhine Gorge is dropped off to a deep winter dormancy. The landscape is most beautifully by the Rhaetian Railway or if you enjoy and explore the winter hiking trails of the Rhine Gorge between Flims and Conn on foot. The stunning view into the snowy Rhine Gorge is worth the excursion.